Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What Has It Cost You To Not Live Your Passion?

passion |ˈpaSHən|
an intense desire or enthusiasm for something.

I've spent a lifetime not knowing what my passion was and it caused me not to know what I wanted, leaving me with no direction, feeling confused.  I floundered throughout my life doing this, trying that...the list went on.  I was standing at the rivers edge watching life, my life flow past me. I wanted to be a leader and not let life pass by me.  Now I know and Life, My Life is waiting for what I came into this world to do.

I've discovered that Exploring the Magic in Life IS My PASSION!  I believe in inspiring, nurturing and motivating others and living as passionately as I can WhereEver I Am . . . WhatEver It Takes.

Guiding on the Camino de Santiago ( is one of my passions and feeling JOY!  Finding MAGIC around every corner no matter where I am with Child-Like-Wonder and helping individuals no matter their age discover or rediscover their passionate selves.

"We each have the courage within to go beyond our fears, and become our dreams"   -AriZona

"Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity, choose in favor of your Passions"        -Janet Bray Attwood And Chris Attwood

Live With Passion and do WhatEver It Takes...

Living Passionately,



Friday, September 28, 2012



Remember Who You Wanted To Be...

I don't remember who I wanted to be.  I don't think I really wanted to be anything in particular.
What I do remember is that my heroes were and are adventuresome and full of life.

It didn't occurr to me when I was young, growing up or even up to 10 years ago I could be just like them (to name a few):  Katherine Hepburn - Steve, Terri & Bindi Irwin - Amelia Earhart - Eleanor Roosevelt - Anne Morrow-Lindberg - Charles Linbergh - Beryl Markham - Sacajawea - Helen Keller, Indiana Jones, Paulo Cohelo.  Anything, movies, books, class assignments (I loved maps), anything that had to do with adventure caught my attention.  

I remember wanting to climb trees and got in trouble from my mom who said, "You'll fall out of that tree so get down now."  Mom wasn't adventurous and I was the good catholic girl who listened so I wouldn't get in trouble.  My mom guided me unbeknownst to her in finding magic around every corner by letting me believe in the easter bunny, santa claus, the tooth fairy as long as I would hold onto the magic. It took me years to overcome what other's thought I should do or not do.  Today I climb where I can get a better view of the world, looking up into the sky or far away and into the distance.  

I remember looking at the earth beneath my feet and still do today and am most at home trekking on the Camino in Spain.  I still do those things, so I guess I ended up following my own path and that of the adventure heroes I loved so much.

Today I'm 60 and Living Passionately no matter what I'm doing or where I live.  I always take my childlike wonder with me and won't lose sight of it.  I believe it helps you see the magic all around and keeps your spirit young forever.  I wish we could be living closer to our grandchildren...five little guys whose sense of wonder is amazing!  We have a granddaughter who is a senior this year and her sense of adventure is off the charts!  

Today I work in a Garden Center and still playing in the dirt.  Somethings never change.

Seek adventure today and see the magic with childlike eyes around every corner.

Signing off in Williston, ND doing WhatEver It Takes and Living Passionately!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


If You Want To Know What Courage and Bravery Is...Watch This...

I'll let this video speak for itself...

Emmanuel Kelly The X Factor 2011 Auditions Emmanuel Kelly

Monday, March 12, 2012


The Meaning of Life . . .

Hello All You Brave Girls Out There!

Please take a moment to view this video of Life and enjoy the many truths.

I was reading thru my posts and realized I needed to get back to doing what I love doing: Exploring the Magic in Life is my Passion! I believe in Inspriring and Nurturing the Human Spirit.

Last week I journaled and had an aha! moment.

I tell others if they are willing to listen, "If it's a struggle - then it isn't right."

My aha moment There was a daily struggle with a co-worker that I tried to sort things out with but to no avail.

While rereading my journal entry I realized I was struggling to have peace and joy in my work environment.

As soon as I realized this I took action the very next morning and started the wheels in motion. The very moment I took ACTION I felt peaceful.

WhatEver It Takes!!!!

Feeling peaceful had nothing to do with my co-worker only within my core, my soul.

So, now I will be outdoors working with plants and flowers. WoooHooo!!!!! I'm an Earth Girl to the core.

When you watch this video notice if anything comes up for you and if it does write about it in your journal or on your computer. I find that hand-writing gets to the your issues quicker and streams from your heart to your hand and thru your pen. Journaling gets your left brain out of the way so your soul can whisper to you or louder if necessary.

If your willing and would like to share please comment below. I'd love to hear from you.

"Doors open every moment if we are in-tune to our needs. WhatEver It Takes!
Go out into the world and get what you need!!! Take Action!" -AriZona

Living Passionately and Doing WhatEver It Takes,

Certified Life Coach

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Boadilla del Camino

This is my first entry on my blog since leaving the state of Arizona. Even at home before beginning the Camino I had difficulties with my computer....I think the Universe was trying to tell me to go along with not writing, I didn´t know if I´d be writing or not and thought I´d see what happens. I think the sign is the same, every time I try to write something I can´t connect with the internet, we´ll see how this goes.

I´m hearing this from other Pilgrims and know this myself that it´s difficult to remember what happens, what you ate or where you have been just the day before.

I have a short time to write as Pilgrim´s are starting to arrive from their days´walk and I need to be respectful and share computer time.

Marc is taking a nap, it´s siesta....when in spain do as the spainards do.

Marc and I arrived at this albergue yesterday at separte times as we walked alone. He knows that I say ¨Create your own Camino, it´s your Camino¨ and our friend in Ventosa (Junte) says the same thing.....It´s your Camino. Junte suggested that we try transporting our backpacks forward to the next albergue. He did it yesterday and flew like an eagle as I heard during dinner by comments from other Pilgrims that he would fly by them and next thing they´d pass him along the path under a tree having a short siesta, he´d pass them by again, they´d pass him as he ate lunch. I love the stories at the end of each day.

I had a different experience, on Sunday and Monday I decided to have a day of silence and continued the following day. It was interesting not talking to anyone and once in awhile caught myself saying something aloud to myself and then would laugh. I decided when I arrived here at En El Camino where my friend and owner of the albergue would be that I would end my silence. How could I not talk to my friend. I think he has a website but I don´t see it, I´ll post it another time. In the past couple of days I would pass a tall german fellow then he would pass me, easily with his long legs. At dinner I had the opportunity to meet him and explain why I didn´t visit, no problem on the Camino everyone understands. He easily passed me as I found out he is 6´6¨. A french woman also came over to meet the americans and curious if we ate this way in america. She said she heard we are always quick, going here and there not taking time to eat with family. Wow, she was right. Marc is usually in his office and I would just let him eat in there since he had so much to do. It wasn´t a problem for either of us. Interesting that a foreigner knows this about most america families.

A few days ago Marc and I had a wonderful experience....after leaving Ventosa and Junte we forwarded our packs as she suggested we try (an unheard of thing on the list of rules of the Camino). We were in the famous La Rioja wine region and knew if we found anyone in fields picking grapes we would ask if we could join them.......soon we found ourselves climbing small areas to look at a loader (correct term probably not) picking grapes. Very interesting but they weren´t interested in us so we moved on.

After climbing a few more hills and around a few more bends in the road we saw people below picking grapes....this was our opportunity! We walked down and asked if we could help out, si, si. Marc asked if I wanted some water first and they quickly said, ¨No, have some wine¨ and handed us a bottle then they showed us what to do. Took us to their vehicle and handed us small clippers like for trimming flowers at home. We didn´t have gloves and they didn´t have extra so we went right to work from 9 in the morning to 9:30 pm that night when they drove us back to the albergue where we had our backpacks transported. They offered us to spend the night but we couldn´t because of our packs. We had a terrific and exhausting day half bent over, kneeling and crouching, cutting grapes in two vineyards, loading black plastic bushel buckets then taking them to the tractor bucket that when full the grapes would get dumped into a large trailer. Junte warned that it hard work and it was. The family (Amor, Ana, Miguel and Charlie)we were working with were wonderful people inviting us to their home for lunch and then back to the vineyard to work more. After the day´s work they took us back to the their house to wash and then a ride to the Winery where we met Amor (father and owner of the vineyards) who drove his tractor and trailer to get weighed and dumped at the premier Winery (I don´t have my notes with me for the name and will write that in next post). His daughter Ana and wife to Charlie gave us a personal tour of the Winery then presented us with two Winery hats. What a fabulous day we had, we manifested exactly what we wanted to do on this Camino before leaving the wine region of La Rioja.

Now we are here at another wonderful albergue En El Camino where I always feel like I´ve arrived in Paradise. Eduardo is constantly working to create comfort, joy and love for the Pilgrims and the albergue is filled with Art painted by his mother. I love it here and we chose to spend another night here instead of the usual night in Leon.

Gotta run, Pilgrims are wanting to use the computer.

Signing of in Spain.

Living Passionately,

Friday, September 24, 2010


AriZona'a Adventures.......

Hello, today Marc and I are in Bayonne, France. It is in Southwest France near the water. Tonight we will be with my dear friends....Franciose qnd Jean-Marc. Tomorrow we are invited to Bob the Basque' Birthday party, 100 people are invited and he recently has discovered family from Argentina that lives here in France that will also be coming, it will be a fun party!

The french keyboard is very different so please bear with me. We havze delayed starting the Camino until Sunday so we can experience the party with our friends. Marc was not feeling well, we think a cold but now he is better after Franciose and I went to the Farmicia for some medicine.

I don't know how often I will be blogging so have no expectations and magically one day there will be a message. Feel free to send a message it's good to hear from home.

Sending a BIG Hug to All!

Signing off in Bayonne, France.

Living Passionately,

Saturday, June 19, 2010


What is my comfort zone and is it really comfortable anymore?

My comfort zone changes daily. No sooner do I wrap my head around what's going on (literally I'm talking 1-2 days), get whacked out from unseen situations, get totally out of balance, deal with it, come to terms with it and get whacked again in one or two more days, everything coming from outside of my being.

I've chosen to Go With the Flow because it's the only way I can deal with our life, these days I have to be in this mode. WhatEver It Takes. The other day I felt like there was a vortex above my head and I couldn't stop it until I came to terms with what was confronting me. That vortex has never happened to me before. It's always been in my heart or solar plexus. The next day I was walking through 'the Great Indoors' store just to do absolutely nothing, just be, when all of a sudden my dilemma turned into peace and I knew what I had to do. Literally, two days later......Wham! But the vortex wasn't there. I had to just let my emotions be there, know that I have absolutely no control and not worry about it or whatever might come next.

I am thankful for my childlike spirit. The spirit of a child who can experience one feeling one moment and move to another feeling in the very next moment. Not having issues buried and not dealing with them. I can move on. It's a hard one for most people to understand. The judging from other's is that I really have stuff going on that I'm not dealing with. That may have been true earlier in my life until I saw that it did not serve me well, it made me crazy. I started letting go of the worry, the story that was so hard on my psyche. I have been this way for years, many years now, when worry arises it is truly in the moment. I can go from being totally out-of-control-crying to being done with it, moving on to being happy in the very next moment. It's taken me a long time to get to this place but I did and am so very glad I did the work. It gets easier with every difficult moment I encounter.

I am grateful for that. I've been judged by others for having feelings one moment, and moving on and not being believed that I am not feeling the same thing in the next moment. I am very, very lucky. Judgement by others is harsh. Judgement from yourself is equally harsh if not harsher.

It has been written......

"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with the right judgement" -Jesus

I say.......

"Do not judge by appearances.....have no judgement at all. When you look at me, look into my eyes, into my soul. Do not give me the once over....look into my eyes, see who I am. Listen to my words, do not be distracted and I will do the same."

As with worry, I realize quickly when I'm judging and just as soon as I have that realization, I stop. I am again grateful for my spirit, the help of God or the Universe to help me see. I see.....I am grateful.

I just got well after being very sick for a long period of time with several illnesses one right after the other. Understand that what happened to me was then. Do not look at me or think of me as being ill. I am doing well. It's time I take care of myself, better. I have One Life and I want to be here for a very long time to Enjoy All the Adventures that Life brings! Guide others to me who bring lessons for me to learn, and for whom I have lessons to give, as well. So Life, BRING IT ON! The more experiences I have the more I can help others. That's what I'm here for.

I Am a "Wild Woman", I Am "VIBRANT WOMAN", "I Am True Heart" who experiences life daily and Lives life PASSIONATELY! I wouldn't have it any other way. I am filled with Love and Compassion. My Heart is Full.



- Dick Seeger (Artist/Author)

Carla Reeves (Founder and Designer of Sanity Journals and The Journaling Lounge) wrote: "What is my comfort zone and is it really comfortable anymore?
This is a fabulous website and there's so much more..........

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